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HEADQUARTERS..........800-229-9366 |
44835 Industrial Drive |
Fremont, CA 94538 |
Fax: (510) 257-1610 |
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美国24小时服务电话如下,After Office Hour
洛杉矶分公司 |
10505 E Valley Blvd, Ste 300 |
El Monte, Ca |
纽约............Tel:(718)-565-6063 |
8504 Queens Blvd |
Elmhurst, NY 11373 |
波士顿...................Tel: (617) 852-8811 |
305 Newport Ave |
Quincy, Ma 02170 |
Other locations are supported through Casio POS dealers.
Please fill in request form, or call 800-229-9366 to locate a dealer near you. |
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办公电话:0773-2195615 |
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地址:广西桂林市七星区骖鸾路33号 盛景中心6楼13-14号 |
Hong Kong |
MillionTech Development Ltd. |
Unit D, 2/F Leroy Plaza |
15 Cheung Shun Street |
Cheung Sha Wan |
Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Direct Line: (+852) 2784 2883 |
Mobile: (+852) 9011 8021 |
General: (+852) 2788 3306 |
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